Why is crypto tanking? Other than the Strength of the US dollar against the Euro (due to French elections, Euro is tanking), the other big reason is due to Fed just DELAYS rate cuts! Why does Fed keep delaying rate cuts? I told folks that the MOST important chart in the world right now is the USD-China Yuan chart. Why? Because US Fed is pretty much only looking at this chart to decide when to cut rates. You see how the Fed keeps the US dollar strong with high rates and NO CUTS, and thus pushing USD toward new ATHs against the China Yuan (at 7.37). The Fed thinks that if it can push the Yuan to be higher than 7.37, then China currency and real estate and stocks can crash. The Whole World is waiting for the Fed to cut rates, the Whole World’s been held hostage to the US Federal Reserve, as it goes on its own personal vendetta agains the Chinese currency. The big bank bosses of Wall St are really enjoying this, Why? Because as I said, along the way, Fed (controlled by Big Wall St banks) will get to CRUSH a few very juicy and fat 2nd prizes and 3rd prizes
.. 2nd prize is the Euro, which had made a historical rate cut last week, and now Euro is tanking and could go down more in the next few months. 3rd prize is Japan
 did you see the 5th Largest bank of Japan is now in danger? Norinchukin Bank now needs to sell $60 Bn of US Treasury Bonds to save itself??
. So the Fed knows by trying to crash China, it will also crash Euro and Japan a long the way.