Decrypting the next 100-fold coin: EOS's dazzling star, RAM hits a new record high! In the past 7 months, RAM has risen 50 times, and after two weeks of sideways adjustment, it has risen another 35%! The currency circle's growth and hot search list are on the list, and all KOLs bring their own dry food, free 24-hour free publicity, and spread the gospel. So where is the upper limit of RAM? Check the white paper's 350 million EOS to fully support RAM. According to the RAM calculator, when the pool reaches 100 million, it will rise 6 times. If all 350 million enter, the price can exceed 60 times at most. In other words, the rise from the bottom to the limit of RAM can be 3,000 times. There is never a lack of miracles in the currency circle, and RAM is the most certain. Joining now is equivalent to buying BTC at $1,000.

In addition, I recommend several other absolutely underestimated ecosystems: Defibox, the largest and only decentralized exchange on EOS, a 4-year-old leading DeFi platform, with over 100 million EOS and RAM-related assets locked, which may replicate the 100-fold market of RAM, with a market value of 2.2 million US dollars, and 95% of BOX tokens in full circulation; NOAH, an excellent DeFi platform, has the exSat chain DeFi concept of BTC L2, but due to uncertainty, the market value is only 500,000 US dollars.

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