50 Cent’s Twitter Hacked to Promote Solana Meme Coin

With so many celebrities launching their own meme coins in recent weeks, it seemed entirely possible that rapper 50 Cent, aka Curtis Jackson, would promote his own Solana token via a series of Twitter posts on Friday afternoon.

But within minutes, millions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency had been spent, the truth emerged: his account had been hacked and used in a pump-and-dump scam.

In a rapid-fire series of tweets, 50 Cent’s Twitter account began posting promotional posts on Friday for a new Solana token called GUNIT, launched through Pump.fun.

The posts were extremely detailed. Some referenced the rap icon’s cognac brand; others called out recent celebrity-related cryptocurrency narratives, including Martin Shkreli’s creation of Donald Trump’s allegedly official Solana token and controversial influencer Andrew Tate’s promotion of the DADDY token. One even featured a Solana-themed meme featuring 50 Cent

If You Bought $GUNIT, Your $5,000 Investment Turned Into 50 Cents – SphynxLabs

While some crypto users were cautiously skeptical of the posts, there was no immediate way to determine if they were fake

Meanwhile, money poured into GUNIT’s coffers. The majority of the token’s $18.6 million in total volume was accounted for in just 40 minutes as it surged by about 8,000%, before quickly plummeting as liquidity disappeared

Despite the warning signs, the investment rush is sadly justified. Recently, a celebrity meme coin created via Pump.fun has surged in value simply due to an endorsement by a well-known figure. Last week, Tate’s popularized DADDY token went from worthless to a $340 million market cap; Iggy Azalea’s earlier MOTHER token topped $200 million around the same time

50 Cent’s Twitter account was also locked by the platform; at the time of writing, all posts on the account were inaccessible.

GUNIT continued to plummet on the news — though not yet to worthless.#meme板块关注热点 #solana生态 $SOL