📊 Lista ($LISTA) Technical Analysis

The chart shows the exchange rate of Lista ($LISTA) against USDT on the Binance platform. Let's look at the key aspects:

Support and Resistance Levels 🔺

  • Support Level: $0.2551

  • Resistance Level: $0.8585

Patterns and Indicators 📉

  • Moving Averages (MA):

    • MA (7) at $0.5388

    • MA (25) at $0.6576

    • MA (99) at $0.9464

  • Ichimoku Cloud:

    • The price is under the cloud, which is a bearish signal.

    • Cloud support level: $0.6038

  • SAR (Stop and Reverse): $0.6449, confirms the downward trend.

Potential Growth and Decline 📈📉

  • Possible rise to $0.8585, which represents an increase of 56.04%.

  • A possible decline to the level of $0.2551, which corresponds to a decrease of 53.91%.

📝 Conclusion

Current technical analysis shows that LISTA is under pressure, with the possibility of significant growth if the resistance level is broken. The following support and resistance levels are key for further analysis and making trading decisions.

📈 Bullish Scenario:

  • A break above $0.6576 with volume support could lead to a rise to $0.8585.

📉 Bearish Script:

  • If the price does not maintain the level of $0.5518, a further decline to the level of $0.2551 is possible.

Be careful and monitor market conditions to respond to changes in a timely manner! 🚀
