The price of the LISTA digital currency exploded on the Binance platform according to today's trading, June 20, 2024, recording an increase rate of 3615.50% during the past hour.

While the currency recorded a price of $0.0137 at its highest level, according to the CoinMarketCap website.

This huge rise in the price of the currency is due to the Binance platform announcing in a statement the listing of the LISTA currency according to new trading pairs

As of the moment of writing this article, the LISTA digital currency recorded a value of $0.7119, with investors optimistic that this rise will continue in the coming hours.

While the trading volume of the LISTA digital currency reached $3.91 million in the last 24 hours, the market value of the currency reached $162.22, according to information on the CoinMarketCap website.