The currency circle is ever-changing, and the rise and fall of heroes are so dramatic!

You may have heard of Li Xiaolai's past glory, and the title of Bitcoin's richest man is dazzling.

But do you know what kind of thrilling journey is hidden behind that past glory? In 2011, when Li Xiaolai bought 2,100 BTC at an average price of $6, he was delighted to think that he had seized a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But fate played a cruel joke on him. The price of BTC plummeted to less than $1, and his assets shrank by 97%! The melancholy of falling from the clouds to the bottom of the valley, I am afraid only he can understand it.

Let's talk about Zhao Changpeng. His name has now been listed on the Forbes Rich List. However, behind his success, how many little-known bitter pasts are hidden? In 2014, he resolutely sold his house in Shanghai and went all-in on BTC. At that time, he was confidently looking forward to the glory of the future. Skirt--Exchange-- QQ + 3951857013 The cruelty of the market caught him off guard, and the price of BTC plummeted all the way, making him regret it.

There is also Zhao Dong, the big boss of OTC trading, whose story is also full of legends. In 2013, he bought 2,000 BTC for 1 million. When his assets exceeded 100 million, he became the object of envy. The futures market in 2014 gave him a heavy blow. Three liquidations resulted in a total loss of 1.5 billion and a debt of 60 million! At that time, he faced unprecedented collapse and difficulties. But he survived, survived those dark days, and ushered in his spring!

In this ever-changing world of currency, no one can predict the future. There is no bottom to the fall, and no limit to the rise. If you can't bear the panic of 1 million becoming 100,000, you can't enjoy the blessing of 1 million becoming 1 billion. This is the rule of the currency circle, cruel and real.

But please believe that as long as we work together, the future is still promising.