In September, the market's counterattack war is about to begin!

Are you ready? This is not an ordinary recovery period, but a crazy counterattack drama that is about to be staged! It will shock the whole world and last for 3 to 6 months! After this, hey, you still think you can sit back and reap the benefits? Wrong, wrong, wrong! A more thrilling adjustment is waiting for you!

History always likes to play jokes. Will it be different this time? Who knows! Just like guessing the lottery, no one can predict the future!

The current market situation is like a "bear market pit" or a "liquidity plunder"! Watching those market tycoons manipulate the market behind the scenes and deliberately let the market fall, it is really infuriating! 裙--交--流QQ +3961608403 They do this to squeeze more liquidity, scare everyone to death, and sell their beloved cryptocurrencies one after another. This forced selling is simply their "Manhan Banquet", which makes them eat with relish!

98% of the price of cryptocurrencies is driven by emotions, and only the pitiful 2% is based on fundamentals. So don't expect the market to suddenly become smart. Unless you are a super boss who can be patient and ready to invest for the long term, or have the capital to shake the market, otherwise, I advise you to stay aside and watch the fun!