To place an order, you must first have an operation plan

First of all, the position must be controlled well. If the position is too large, the error tolerance rate will be low. It is not enough to lose too much at one time.

Secondly, separate positions and currency operations, including position, stop loss, take profit, and currency selection. Try not to do some small coins, unless there are good opportunities for small coins. Generally speaking, it is stable coins, such as (large pie, ether) This will reduce our risk and increase our profitability

In addition, if you can strictly implement it, then your principal will always float within a very reasonable range, and all your funds will not be liquidated because of one of your mistakes. This is the most important thing.

As long as your capital exists and you continue to do it, as long as the winning rate can be around 70%, it will still be profitable overall.

It is easy for novices to make some mistakes when they have no planning, especially when doctors cannot self-medicine and operate by themselves. Although sometimes they know clearly what should be done and what should not be done, when they actually execute it. There is no way to strictly implement it when you are in the situation, so sometimes it is necessary to have someone next to you to guide you, remind you, and teach you how to control.