How to end your crypto career quickly!

You go all in on altcoins first, and when the market goes down, you sell at a loss! When the market goes up, you chase the increase! You sell at a high position again, and do more low-sell-high-buys!!

Now that BTC and ETH are falling, it is normal for altcoins to be trapped!

If you want to end your crypto career quickly, you only need to clear the altcoins that are trapped, and then use a hundred times leverage. When you receive a text message from the exchange, you can delete the software, and you don’t have to suffer so much!!!

More than 50,000 people were liquidated in 24 hours, I hope you are not one of them! #澁漉搈çșŠé”Šæ ‡è”› #澁漉HODLerç©ș投