Friends, I want to emphasize one point, that is, hold, hold again! Be patient, endless patience, don't rush to become I really want to summarize a few experiences:

First, a complete market, every Thursday. Looking back, we can see that 16 to 18 years, 20 to 21 years, and the next 23 to 2025 are all important time points.

Second, if you want to really make big money, long-term holding is the key. And the holding time is definitely the beginning of the bull market, that is, the beginning of every April.

Third, any undervalued big bull coin will one day rise sharply, it's just a matter of time. Therefore, you should take a long-term view and not be affected by short-term fluctuations.

Fourth, many currencies do not perform like mainstream currencies, and blind operations are likely to lead to poor returns. Therefore, you must be cautious in choosing currencies and operating strategies.

Fifth, I noticed that the biggest regret of many people for the currencies in their hands in the bull market is that they did not hold them, not that they did not buy them.

Therefore, once you have identified a valuable currency, you must have the determination and perseverance to stick to it. Finally, when most people still don't think it's a bull market, it often means that the bull market has quietly arrived. Therefore, we must always be vigilant and seize every possible opportunity.

The circle determines the fate. In the currency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you are already halfway to success in the currency circle! 漢q1un +位:FX99137 You can receive the latest free articles in the currency circle every day. The articles are good and can be shared with everyone!