What should I do if I am fully invested and trapped? Should I cut my losses?

Why do I panic and want to cut my losses?

Mainly because I am worried that Bitcoin will continue to fall, and the altcoins may be cut in half again. I want to cut my losses and wait for a low position to take it back. Do you think so?

Never do swing trading at a low position!

People's greed and fear are infinitely magnified. If it rises, they want it to continue to rise and are unwilling to sell.

If you cut your losses at a low position and it falls, you are only right for a while. You will not take back the original chips as planned. You want to wait for it to continue to fall, and the last big positive line will pull it up! Just like when Bitcoin was 15,000, everyone was looking at 10,000. How many people dared to buy the bottom and take back the chips at 15,000?

I didn't do swing trading at a high position. I have been holding on for so long. Don't do swing trading at a low position. It is easy to wave and miss the whole bull market!

What if it continues to fall and continues to be cut in half?

Don't look at short-term prices, learn to brainwash yourself, when it goes up, it will be 10 times in a week, the current prices are all false, wait for the flowers to bloom!

Learn from Buffett, hide in a remote town, and shield yourself from the noisy voices of the market!

Now this market has begun to bottom out. Our panic is not actually caused by the market price, but by the noisy voices of the market! Others are panicking, I am greedy, hold on, the dawn is just around the corner!



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