🔍 **Understanding About LayerZero:**

LayerZero is a breakthrough in the cryptocurrency sector, serving as a bridge connecting different blockchains, allowing for easy migration of assets and applications. This multi-chain interoperability opens up a more unified and powerful DeFi future.

💰 **Your Airdrop Token Number:**

Below is the unlocked token allocation:

- 8.5% distributed at TGE

- 11% for future activities (snapshot & RFP)

- 5% to LayerZero Foundation

- 0.5% for community members

📊 **Tokenomics LayerZero:**

Maximum total supply limited to 1 billion ZRO tokens, distributed as follows:

- 38.3% to the LayerZero Community (users, developers, etc.)

- 32.2% for Strategic Partners (investors & advisors) with a 3-year unlocking schedule

- 25.5% for Core Contributors (team members) with a vesting period of 3 years

- 4% of token buyback goes to the Community

🌐 **Explore the Ecosystem:**

As a LayerZero user from the beginning, you deserve this airdrop reward. Here's the approach to maximize profits:

💡 **My Strategy:**

🔸 **Keep 30% On-Chain:** Join the LayerZero ecosystem via:

- Provide liquidity

- Staking ZRO

- Participate in admin (earn season 2 airdrop)

🔸 **Deposit 70% to the Exchange:

- Short-term profits through:

- **Perpetual Trading (Long):** Risky strategy for seasoned traders. I will target scalping opportunities after the TGE dump (if there is one).

- **Buy DCA For Long Term Position:** Buy on dips for 2-3 weeks to hold long term.