The$BNB chain is about to experience a major upgrade with the introduction of BEP 336, inspired by Ethereum's EIP 4844. This improvement aims to improve data storage and processing, which could reduce transaction costs by up to 90% and improve network performance. Here's what you need to know about BEP 336.

What is BEP 336?

BEP 336 will be introduced via the hard fork hub on June 20, 2024. It features "Blob-Carrying Transactions" (BlobTx), which is designed to simplify transaction verification by allowing the network to verify data within attached blobs rather than each transaction individually. .

Main ingredients:

- Blob Market: Create a toll market for Blob, adjusting storage and transportation costs based on demand.

- Pre-compiling the contract: Verifies that the data in a blob matches the reference in the transaction, adding security.

- Point and gas price publishing mechanism: managing points only through the BSC client and implementing a dynamic mechanism for gas pricing.

Impact on BNB Greenfield:

The $336 BEP also impacts BNB Greenfield, which is promoting decentralized storage with “BlobHub,” improving large-scale data storage for Layer 2 blockchains and Dapps. BlobHub ensures data integrity, accessibility, and longevity.

Benefits of BEP 336:

  • - Discounted Gas Fees: Reduces transaction costs by up to 90%.

  • - Efficient data management: maintains the effectiveness of the blockchain.

  1. - Improved user experience: makes the BSC ecosystem more accessible.

With BEP 336, it was prepared

Smart Chain $BNB to provide unprecedented cost savings and efficiency. Stay up to date on this transformative upgrade by following BNB Chain's official channels.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Always do your own research before making any investment decisions.

For more details, visit: BEP336


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