Quai Network May Update:

Preparing for Golden Age Testnet

This month, the @QuaiNetwork team was busy testing the Quai protocol internally in preparation for the launch of the Golden Age Testnet. Here are some exciting updates from May:

✅ go-quai client: Now fully functional, marking a transition to a development phase that focuses more on testing, fixing bugs, and performance tuning.

✅ Core Protocol: Successfully implemented Garden integration testing, with TPS exceeding 2000 and memory usage below 20GB; resolved ETXs-related issues; implemented key features such as Libp2p, dynamic expansion, and Qi UTXO transactions.

✅ Quai SDK: Separation of interface and implementation; refactoring to meet Golden Age specifications; successfully implemented address sharding.

✅ Pelagus wallet: distinguish between Iron Age versions and submit a new version to the Chrome store.

✅ Explorer: Updated the user interface to V2; successfully integrated Pelagus; implemented ABI verification function; rebuilt the index to meet Golden Age specifications.

✅ Golden Age Testnet Reward Structure: Internally determined, rewards are based on the Quai and Qi tokens accumulated by miners, users, and developers during the Testnet period.

🤝 New Partners:

Lumerin: Decentralized hashrate market, enabling Quai hashrate trading.

ionet: Decentralized physical infrastructure project, allowing idle hashrate to mine Quai.

Portal Finance: Enables atomic swaps between $QUAI, $QI, and $BTC.

Consensus 2024: Quai Network has a booth at the Consensus conference in Austin to introduce the concept of energy-based currency.

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