A total of 100 million $REVOX airdrop points will be given, which may be in the form of points exchange tokens. However, since it is listed on Binance, there will definitely be airdrops, so just do it.

You need to prepare some opbnb in advance, not a lot, 1U should be enough

1. Enter Binance web3 wallet - Discover - DAPP - Revox, click to participate immediately

2. Connect to the wallet, enter the code: HHJ1FW, confirm

3. Complete two Twitter follow tasks and fill in the Twitter account and submit


4. If you sign in every day continuously, you need to pay a gas fee of less than 0.02U (do not stop signing in).


Below is the official Revox airdrop event. If you see it, please do it now.

Revox official website airdrop tutorial

1. Copy the address and open the browser to connect to the wallet (you can use Little Fox directly here)



2. Daily sign-in (also requires a very small amount of gas fee)

Get 20 points a day to do tasks


Completed the task every day

In the Outline column, you can choose the currency to pay for gas


Currently, you only need to sign in daily. It is estimated that it will be listed on Binance soon, and the airdrop will also be soon.