That's the title I just saw on Binance Square. Again, always the same. Please, don't give importance to posts like these: these people are only seeking to grab your attention and make you believe in impossible gains in the crypto market.

They make you think that crypto is easy, that everyone will make money during this bull market, that all you have to do is invest in this or that cryptocurrency... it's anything but true. Completely bullshit. Many of you will lose money in crypto, and only those who can keep a cool head will be able to come out with profit. How many people have I seen make incredible profits (x10, x20) during the previous bull cycle and end up losing everything? Many, a lot.

The truth is, I've seen very few people make money in crypto during the previous bull market. The explanation: most people follow the wrong people and apply terrible advice. They never learn. How many people have I seen go into Futures after seeing profit screenshots and end up losing everything? A lot, believe me. People who have lost tens of thousands of dollars, without realizing that this money is real, money that could be used for food, to buy supplies, to make donations, to tip a creator (a little reminder for those who haven't done it, feel free to do so).

Don't listen to those who make you think that you will inevitably make money in this bull market. Don’t listen to those who assert with certainty that this crypto will rise. Listen to those who give you nuanced advice, who give you several scenario opinions for the future on the market. All others are often paid to promote certain things. In other words, paid to scam their community.

Hoping that some will understand this and apply these tips.

This post is my own opinion.

Thanks for reading.

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Pridectum pro
