1. Binance introduces zero-fee trading for specific trading pairs: BNB/FDUSD, DOGE/FDUSD, ETH/FDUSD, LINK/FDUSD, SOL/FDUSD, and XRP/FDUSD.

2. This promotional offer starts on December 8th, 2023, at 00:00 (UTC) and continues until further notice.

3. Zero maker and taker fees apply to these spot and margin trading pairs during this period.

4. Trading volume from these pairs won't count toward VIP tier volume calculations or Liquidity Provider programs.

5. They're excluded from BNB fee discounts, fee rebates, or other fee adjustments during this promo.

6. Once the promotion ends, standard trading fees will be reinstated; details are available on Binance's fee structure.

7. Users can start trading FDUSD Spot & Margin Trading Pairs during this promotional period.

8. Binance retains the right to disqualify specific trades or accounts engaging in illicit activities or market manipulation.

9. All metrics and volume related to this promo are at Binance's sole discretion for measurement.

10. Any changes or cancellation to the promotion are under Binance's discretion, and in case of any discrepancies in translations, the English version prevails.

#ZeroFees #Binance #FDUSD