1. How to receive visiting relatives: For poor relatives, take them to a high-end restaurant for dinner; for rich relatives, cook for them yourself.

2. When drinking with the opposite sex, don’t get drunk.

3. The best relationship is not about giving gifts or treating others, but about following the "Mehrabin Law".

4. People who have fallen out with you, no matter they are relatives or friends, can never go back to the past.

5. If you get a phone call, answer it after 5 seconds.

6. Women, don’t drink wedding wine with your male friends. It’s really not that simple.

7. Decisively reject people and things you don’t like.

8. Help when you should, and just stand by and watch when you shouldn’t.

9. Frequently comment on the single people of the opposite sex in your circle of friends. 99% of them can be pursued by you.

​10. If you don’t know how to speak, you should control your mouth. If you can’t control your mouth, you should keep a distance from others.

​11. Hanging out with poor people is ineffective socializing. It may sound harsh, but it is the truth.

​12. Don’t reply immediately when someone sends you a message.

​13. When someone asks you where you live, they are essentially asking you whether you have money.

​14. Don’t do anything for free. Every time you do it, your image will collapse.

​15. When you are with clients in a nightclub, do not post on WeChat Moments.

​16. To do business, you need to know how to speak, behave yourself, and give gifts.

17. The self-discipline that adults need most is to restrain their desire to correct others.

​18. Interpersonal communication is indispensable in life. Pouring tea takes 70%; serving rice takes 80%; pouring wine takes 100%.

​19. When asking someone to do something for you, you should first let the other party see the benefits. This is more effective than saying thank you 100 times.

20. Remember: Humiliation can only bring humility, not respect from anyone. Do you think it's fun to be treated coldly by someone you like?

21. If you have someone to help you, hold on to him/her tightly.

22. If you approach people and things with the essence of transaction in mind, the outcome will not be bad. People will be open-minded if their purpose is clear.

23. If your enthusiasm is not responded to, stop immediately. Do not be ungrateful to every enthusiasm and do not try to please any indifference.

24. It is better to spend 100 yuan to buy chocolate for the girl you like than to spend 200 yuan to treat her to a meal.

25. No matter how difficult it is, don’t post it on your Moments. No one will sympathize with you and you will only attract a lot of people to laugh at you.

26. Don’t assume that familiar people will treat you well. Familiar people are sometimes more terrifying than strangers.

27. Those who reply with the first sentence "Are you there?" mean that they want to ask you something. Think it over before you reply.

28. Buy a house secretly and don’t tell anyone.

29. Don’t make friends with scheming people. In the end, you will be the only one who suffers.

30. Don’t tell anyone your real income. Even if you have to tell it, keep it lower.

31. If you want to keep any relationship, don't take it too seriously. If you take it too seriously, you will inevitably lose it.

32. The essence of interpersonal relationships is the exchange of value. If you have no value, it is useless to have relationships.

33. Don’t complain to anyone. 70% of people won’t care, and 30% will only be happy.

34. If a friend works in a different place for three months, you can no longer trust him. Three months is enough to change a person.

35. Smart people don’t believe in character, they only believe in human nature.

36. The more someone likes to pry into your privacy, the more you should be on guard against them.

37. Don't tell anyone about your past and your financial situation.

38. If you think about something that you don’t understand from the perspective of interests, you can often figure it out.

39. Except for your parents, no one wants to see you living a better life than him.

40. When eating at someone else’s home, don’t help wash the dishes or sweep the floor.

41. Those who want to solve problems without spending money will always be at the bottom of society all their lives.

42. The more people you come into contact with, the more you will find that people who are higher than you will encourage you, people at the same level will appreciate you, and only people who are lower than you will slander you.

43. If you want to get someone talking, just flatter him.

44. It is best not to call anyone after 8 o'clock in the evening. Just send them a text message. Especially after 9 o'clock, don't bother anyone.

45. See through things without speaking them out loud, know people without judging them, know the truth without arguing about it.

46. ​​Treat villains with perfunctory attitude instead of breaking off relations with them.

47. If you don’t want to be cheated, don’t be too open with anyone.

48. When you go to someone else’s home, you are only allowed in the living room; other places are off limits.

​49. There is no need to care about other people’s feelings all the time. In fact, no one takes you seriously.

50. Don’t test people’s hearts easily, as the result will make you doubt your life.

51. If someone makes you uncomfortable, trust your feelings; this person is not the same type of person as you.

52. Don’t just answer every question you are asked. There are some questions that you don’t need to answer.

53. Only select the people around you, don’t change them. If you don’t like someone, just stay away from them silently.

​54. Say a few nice words and you can win over 50% of the people; bring a little something and you can win over 80% of the people.

​55. When you are out and about and meet someone from your hometown, be more reserved.

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