Large amounts of U are basically frozen. Don't sell U in large amounts recently, otherwise the risk of being frozen is very high. Don't sell U if you don't need the money urgently. The following coin has experienced some very embarrassing experiences.

I withdrew funds two days ago. I found an acquaintance, U Shang, who is in China and I have met him in person. Despite this, I still confirmed with the other party whether the funds were safe before the transaction. After receiving a positive reply, I placed an order on bn. I placed two orders, 23wu and 30 respectively. Because I am familiar with him, I thought I could do it all at once, not in batches as usual. Something unexpected and very normal and reasonable happened: the funds were frozen. Merchants Card.

I asked the other party (U Shang), and they said the funds were U in the off-market, and then they said to wait three days and see. Normal risk control takes three days, and today is the third day.

I knew that my phone number was frozen by the criminal investigation department of Xinzhou, Jiangxi Province, even if I didn’t check it. Then I asked some friends in the industry, and some of them told me to play dead, saying that if I couldn’t get my phone number released within three days, I would have to wait for half a year. If I couldn’t get my phone number released within half a year, the next freeze would start from half a year, which is one year.

Some said that it would be best for me to go to the local authority to verify and report the financial situation. This is what I planned as well. It is okay to freeze the funds for ten days or half a month, but if it is frozen for a year or two, what can I use to bet?

After freezing, large amounts of U are basically irrecoverable.

The cryptocurrency market has been quite hot recently, and there is a high probability that some black money has sneaked in. Because I made large withdrawals (more than 100) before, in 2021, I often received calls from banks or law enforcement agencies. The other party would ask about the source and purpose of the funds, and then everything would be normal or frozen for three days. This time it was a bit sudden.

If the funds are not unfrozen tomorrow, I plan to prepare a copy of the information, and then ask the other party (u merchant). Black q does not matter, I just hope that the normal funds can be released.

I would like to remind you again that if you can avoid making withdrawals, do not make withdrawals now. If you do make withdrawals, try to make them in small amounts through certified merchants. Another point that many people overlook is that no matter whether you deposit or withdraw funds from an exchange, the exchange has clear regulations that require your real name information. Sometimes when you make a deposit, some merchants will not care whether you use your real name. However, when you withdraw funds, most merchants will not use accounts that are certified by the exchange to transfer funds to you. Therefore, if you want to maximize the safety of your withdrawals, try to ask the merchant to use the exchange's real-name information account to transfer funds.

The countermeasures are as follows:

I'm sorry to hear about your experience. You need to take action now to unfreeze your funds as soon as possible. Here are some suggestions I can offer you:

Keep communicating with your U-seller: First, you need to keep in close communication with your U-seller. Ask them why your funds are frozen and request more information about the source and purpose of the funds. They may be able to help you resolve the issue and provide more information.

Contact China Merchants Bank: You need to contact China Merchants Bank and explain your situation to them. The bank may be able to help you unfreeze your funds or provide more information to help you resolve the issue.

Prepare relevant documents: You need to prepare all relevant documents related to the transaction, including transaction records, bank transfer records, etc. These documents will help you prove the source and purpose of your funds.

Go to your local law enforcement agency: If your funds are frozen, it is best to go to your local law enforcement agency in person and explain your situation to them. They may ask you for relevant documents and help you resolve the issue.

Seek legal help: If your situation is serious, you may want to consider seeking legal help. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and obligations and provide legal advice.

Remind other traders: Finally, you can use social media or other channels to remind other traders to pay attention to trading safety and avoid similar problems. I wish you can really make money! #币安合约锦标赛