A few tips for newcomers to the cryptocurrency circle. Reading this will help you save a lot of tuition fees.

1. Don't use a wallet at the beginning. It is a safer choice to put the coins on well-known exchanges, such as Binance.

2. For new coins, it is best for novices to avoid them, because their fluctuations are very large and difficult for novices to grasp.

3. Newcomers should avoid contract trading! This is very dangerous for novices and it is easy to lose money. Believe me, this is something you can't grasp! If you are not sure about investing in the cryptocurrency circle, you can choose to buy BTC and ETH. Although the small increase implies that the decrease is also small, the returns and risks are the same.

4. Be mentally prepared before entering the cryptocurrency circle. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. A 20% drop in one day is a common phenomenon. In addition to Bitcoin and Ethereum, don't invest all your money in other single currencies, especially altcoins! They may return to zero!

5. Position allocation is very important! Never "all in", keep "bullets" in your hand, so that you can respond to market changes in time.

If you have been losing money and don't know what to do, join me in laying out 100-fold coins! Please see my introduction! !

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