Odaily Planet Daily News According to the chain detective ZachXBT, in the X platform, in addition to Martin Shkrehli, an account named CWR may be related to the DJT project. This person is the administrator of the Telegram group of the DJT token. He is also very active in Martin Shkrehli's Discord community and has sent more than 1,000 messages; his Discord username is 'cameronrox', and he has mentioned his so-called real name Cameron Roxborough many times. He boasted many times in the main chat channel that he went to school with Trump's son Barron Trump. Are they really good friends or are they making up lies? This part is still unclear. Last night, CWR withdrew from the Telegram group and Discord community. Fortunately, his messages are still retained on the Discord server when this post is published. Discord ID: 294231685665521664.