Recently, the decline of the big cake is not big, but the spot of the copycat has at least a 30+% decline. Old leeks know that the 312 and 519 in the currency circle, this time it is a blunt knife cutting meat, but the form of occurrence is different!

Careful friends will find that the big cake has risen for a year, and many copycat targets have not risen but hit a new low;

As an old leek who has experienced two rounds of bull and bear conversions, each bull market in the currency circle has its characteristics. Now it is not like before 2017. You can make money by buying with your eyes closed!

Now the exchange is constantly launching new products, just like the IPO in the stock market. With the diversion of funds, it is difficult to achieve a general rise, so Lao Jiu calls it a structural bull market!

Any industry has cyclicality, the first to eat meat, and the later to drink soup; as the saying goes, the cake is only so big, and the more people share it, the less we eat! $BTC #币安合约锦标赛