Ethereum Surges After News of Consensys vs. SEC - Ethereum hit a high of $3,586 on Wednesday morning following an announcement from Consensys that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had ended its investigation into Ethereum 2.0. This decision means the regulator will not bring charges regarding the sale of ETH as a securities transaction. While this is a win for Ethereum developers, Consensys remains critical of the SEC's approach to crypto regulation as unlawful and aggressive. Not long after this news, Consensys also asked whether the approval of an Ether ETF meant Ethereum was considered a commodity and whether the SEC would drop its investigation. The market reaction to this news saw other altcoins also rise, such as Lido DAO surging more than 19%, as well as Solana, Cardano, and Uniswap trading higher, each up more than 4%. 🚀