​​​​​​Director's 1168th original daily market analysis

2023 .8 .15

1. Market sentiment:

2. Chart structure:


#BTC  1H structure:

At present, the big cake has been upgraded to the 1H center. It looked like it was going to fall yesterday, but then it pulled up again. It looked like it was going to go up, but then it fell back.

​       Now it is a trend in the absence of incremental market, there is no continuous trend, and it is always a sudden trend. At present, the big cake is still fluctuating here. At this stage, people dare not enter even if there is a breakthrough. If it continues for a long time under this mode, retail investors in the market will get used to it. If the real market comes, they probably won’t dare to do it, because they may habitually think that there is no continuous market.

In summary, spot trading is the main option, while for contracts, you can participate with a small position.

#BTC Structure of 15F:
The trend structure of Bitcoin 15F is still the characteristic trend of the past few months, which is basically rising and falling, and it is a V-back and V-back trend. It is difficult to have a continuous market trend, and it is also extremely difficult to operate. Returning to the market, we can see whether the yellow pressure line can be broken here. If it is broken, it will not form a head and shoulders top.

​      If there is no breakthrough, it may form a head and shoulders top, and the price may return to around 29,000.


​#ETH 15F’s structure:

​       The structural trend of Auntie’s 15F is more standard V-like. It can be seen that the current price is hovering in the middle rectangle the most, so it is easy to form a shock zone in which area.

​       At present, it seems that this concubine wants to go down again. In the short term, I will not participate in the concubine, but I can participate in the spot market. \

4. Warm reminder: investment is risky. For investment with spare money, remember to never fully invest and never take loans. We only provide information and do not constitute buying or selling advice. Buying and selling are free and risks are borne by yourself.