#BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 #meme板块关注热点 #币安用户数突破2亿 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH

The first concept of trading is how to make a profit in this market. Some people keep switching modes and enter a vicious cycle. Li Hui's advice to you is to make a mode to the extreme, and then combine it with unlimited short positions, and basically you can make a profit in the currency circle. But you have to ask yourself if you can control your hands and have the patience to wait. This is the most difficult part. Some people ask whether the human mentality of observing the market is more important than technology. Li Hui believes that short-term attention should be paid to human mentality and emotions. The technical aspect is actually for reference. In the general direction, I only know that when the news comes, the funds will come. As long as there is money to buy, all technical indicators can be changed.

Regarding enlightenment, Li Hui thinks enlightenment is a process. When you keep stepping on pits and collecting fragments of knowledge about the cryptocurrency circle, one day you figure it out and connect all your knowledge, you will feel enlightened. However, this is not something that happens overnight. It requires continuous improvement of cognitive mentality and repeated corrections and polishing of details, rather than suddenly buying a coin and making a fortune and then saying that enlightenment is just a superficial phenomenon brought about by the funds in the account.

Li Hui believes that the size of the news depends not only on imagination but also on timing. I pay more attention to the timing of the theme launch. Generally, the timing of the theme launch is determined by the hype sentiment of the banker at that time. The theme and sentiment complement each other, and sometimes the theme is not very good. However, if the hype sentiment is high at that time, there will be a big market trend. The ebb period in the middle of a big theme is just an emotional ebb, not a big ebb on this theme. It will extend to speculate on other sub-segments. Only when all sub-segments are speculated, the ebb after the climax again may be a real ebb.

Someone asked, Li Hui's playing style changes with the times, it's easy to lose track of the operation? I feel that your operation in the past few days has a very accurate grasp of emotions and cycles. Li Hui's operation is mostly based on the combination of news and technical aspects, and changing with the times is just one of them. As for the explanation of this point, time will come to summarize and explain this problem.

Regarding the understanding of news, some news is not necessarily good news. Good news is to drive market sentiment and resonate with sentiment. News is the carrier of sentiment, but some news is just a scam. If you participate in news a few more times and feel it carefully, you will be able to master the technical aspects skillfully.

Another point is that if too many people know about this kind of thing, it will not be accurate. Many ways of playing will change. You want to create and explore your own understanding. As for the understanding of emotions, in fact, the essence behind it is emotions. The essence of the market is emotions. The dealer just uses a reason to seduce the emotions of retail investors. If you are not greedy, you will not be emotional. If you understand the logic behind the news, you will not be greedy. But retail investors are greedy and ignorant. They only look at whether the market rises or falls. The more it rises or falls, the more they buy. Li Hui likes to say that you are harvested with your cognition and your emotions. Regarding how to judge the continuity of the theme, I think it depends on whether the theme is new enough and imaginative enough. From the timing of the launch and the trend, everyone's positioning of this news, Li Hui is more concerned about the positioning, and different positioning will lead to different ways of handling.

To summarize, Li Hui's operations are basically random. He uses news and technology as the main means to look at the market. Choosing to do long or short from the perspective of understanding the market is just a more cost-effective and suitable choice for me. Including the ideas and thoughts of retail investors, they may actually contradict the current market style, because retail investors will blindly follow the trend once there is good or bad news in the market. For example, under the premise of the good CPI on the 12th, the long position has already gone halfway, and there are still a lot of heavy positions. First of all, this kind of follower seems very irrational under the general trend. Sure enough, without timely exit, I went short again in the past few days, and I was so anxious that I stomped my feet!

The market is still evolving. If you can feel and grasp the emotional style of the banker early, then you have stepped on the wind. So don't be too superstitious about news. News does not mean that there are good opportunities every day. It is also necessary to frequently identify whether individual news can form a consensus in the market. Therefore, many times, you also need to wait for him to empty his position to know what he can do and what he cannot do. You must have a clear self-awareness and only take opportunities that you can understand. Don't do what you can't understand. Li Hui thinks that trading is very demanding in terms of certainty, timing, emotions, mentality, and accuracy. Li Hui will not mechanically apply a lot of useless things, and will dynamically look at the changes in market sentiment and style. Because the market is purifying, the style is also frequently switched. Look at the flow of funds from an emotional perspective and speculate on the banker's thoughts. Speculate more on the banker's thoughts and review more! Review what the banker will do next, and then observe the changes in market sentiment and the changes in the banker's performance on the market. This is Li Hui's core trading winning mentality.

There is a delay in article review, and the market is changing rapidly. Please set a stop-profit and stop-loss, and stop when you are ahead! For more real-time orders every day, you can follow my name on the official account, learn online trading techniques, and get out of the market!

I, Li Hui, interpret the world economic news and analyze the major trends in the global cryptocurrency circle. During my further studies in the United States, I have conducted in-depth research on BTC, ETH, LTC, DOT, EOS, BNB, SOL and other currencies. Friends who don’t know how to operate are welcome to leave comments!