Dear Binanciers,

It is truly astonishing that, given the huge losses on 96% of all tokens, there are still “barkers” who write articles with incalculable chances of winning.

Are these the secret creators of the cryptos on "", or do they live far from any reality, or are their losses already so great that an exit would mean a total loss!?? .. I have no idea what to "add" to continue posting 50x+ profits in the face of this epic crypto earthquake as most market participants exit the market with flags flying and huge losses!

Well, I really don't know what to say right now, but if you are suffering from a complete loss of reality, you should not speculate with cryptos but rather sit in the fool's bin... or, maybe- be, the complete loss of reality is the basic prerequisite for getting into crypto - the market to get into it!?? .. Yes, that's probably it, I don't see any other explanation, because even an "incorrigible optimist" should recognize reality.

Good luck to everyone who has stuck with the market so far, I'm one of you, but I don't know how this is going to turn out.

However, one thing I can say with certainty is that not a single penny of my savings will be spent on cryptos, no matter what project is trending. I would prefer to get only €1,500 in interest from the central bank I trust!!

These are guaranteed, and not “big promised bubbles” which can never come true.

People, turn on your brains, stay "in control" of your savings, if you don't do this and give up control of it to the venture capital market, as you can impressively see, it will become the money from someone else's monopoly, and the bitter realization is .. oops.. 2 years of savings for nothing.