Bluzelle (BLZ) has increased by 125% in the last 3 days. It can be seen in the chart below that the cryptocurrency project, which has been in a falling trend for a long time, broke this trend on Friday.


Bluzelle #BLZ , which recorded a rapid rise with the liquidation of short positions after the breakout, rose by 125% in 3 days and reached 0.12 USDT levels. The cryptocurrency project, which experienced withdrawals during the day, is hovering around 0.10 USDT.

What is Bluzelle (BLZ)?

Bluzelle is a decentralized data storage platform. It is designed so that users can store their data in a secure and scalable way. Bluzelle works with smart contracts and is compatible with various blockchains including Ethereum, #Cosmos and #Polkadot .

Bluzelle offers the following features for users to store their data securely and scalably:

  • Sharding: Bluzelle stores its data using a technique called sharding. Sharding divides data into smaller pieces and distributes these pieces among different nodes. This makes data more secure and scalable.

  • Decentralization: Bluzelle is a decentralized platform. This means that the data is under the control of the users and cannot be controlled by any third party.

  • Scalability: Bluzelle is a scalable platform. This means that data can scale as demand increases and users can access their data at any time.

Bluzelle is an ideal data storage platform for decentralized applications (DApps). DApps allow users to have more control over their data and to store their data more securely. Bluzelle makes DApps more scalable and more reliable.

#Bluzelle is a major player in the decentralized data storage space. Bluzelle is expected to grow in popularity with the growth and adoption of decentralized applications. $BLZ $ATOM $DOT