🎉Good news! Henrik Anderrson, chief investment officer of Apollo Crypto, said that he believes that the recent decline in interest in spot Bitcoin ETFs may be one of the factors for the market decline. đŸ€”He said: "It seems that the large outflow of Bitcoin ETFs has led to weakness in altcoins, which has triggered the liquidation of leveraged long traders in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin."

📉While this may have a certain impact on the market, we must remember that there will always be fluctuations in the market, which is normal. 👍We remain optimistic about the prospects of Bitcoin because we believe in its potential in the future. đŸ’Ș

🔼We cannot predict how the market will move in the future, but we will closely monitor market dynamics and provide you with the latest information. 🚀Let us look forward to the future of Bitcoin together!