$BTC Match one with your market perception.

I have observed some movements and it seems to me that they are not real, in the sense of right and wrong.

This game is not for amateurs.

Leaving doubts and uncertainties aside: where will this dive end?

our decisions made here, sometimes it goes like a rocket 🚀 disappearing into the clouds, when suddenly, what seemed unstoppable,

only slow movements can be seen, whose speed does not exceed that of a sloth đŸŠ„ and,

Abruptly, without anyone waiting, a deep dive begins that not even the best "swimmers in this violent sea" can get enough of, even if they have the best oars in their hands.

Contrary to what many people think: it is often necessary to let go of the oars and leave the "sea" and wait for the waters and the storm to pass...

In these moments, what differs from a good swimmer is that the professional already knows the "sea", but in those times when the alarm is sounded, the first to abandon the "sea" are the best swimmers,

because here you only win when you learn to accept that not every day is a day to win, so a loss here, another there, you need to accept, or you will never overcome these strong waters, 🍃 winds and storms.

Just to reflect...