On June 13, Privasea's iOS app ImHuman, co-invested by An and OK, was launched on the Apple Store, along with a 10-day limited early rewards, which will end on June 23. It is clear that points can be exchanged for PRVA tokens in the future. This is a project that has been praised by Vitalik Buterin. It is still very early.
ImHuman is now available on the Apple and Google stores, and IOS users can claim 300 points before June 23.

Cost: 0.0251 SOL is required to mint one NFT.

You must have an invitation code to use it, invitation code: VNVEmD8

Tutorial starts:

1. Go to the Apple Store (foreign ID) or Google Store and search for ImHuman to download.

2. Complete account registration and private key backup. As shown below↓

3. Click crypto on the homepage, copy the solana address, and then deposit 0.026 SOL. About 4U.

4. Record your face and mint NFT.

5. After you have NFT, complete a facial verification task↓

6. Click on the refer below to view your invitation code. You can get more points through invitations.

For more high-quality airdrop tutorials, please visit: https://vlink.cc/ktxw

Includes a drop-in tutorial.

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