Four elements of streamlining:

First, turn on the power saving mode. People with weak bodies have insufficient energy, so they should use it sparingly. Use your energy on yourself, pay less attention to others, mind your own business, and don't care about other people's opinions. From the items in the house to interpersonal relationships, properly ditch them. The less energy you use, the more energy you have. You can be selfish and cherish your life. Do not consume your energy, do what you like, and you can be happy alone. If the spirit is not consumed internally, it will not consume qi and blood, and the body will naturally be healthy.

Second, be less selfish, learn less, and be free from worries. Many things do not need to be learned. In addition to the classics of wisdom, many books are misleading. Many modern knowledge is just a trick, not worth studying in depth. People with weak qi and weak body cannot bear the pressure and fierce competition. They cannot think too much. The more they think, the weaker their qi and fatigue. You can't always instill in yourself that you must succeed and achieve the kind of success in the secular sense. You can have a sense of crisis, but it should be less. Different people have different ways of living. Let everything take its course and don't force it. Being too strong is like self-destruction.

Third, you should travel more.

Nature has the energy to heal the body and mind. You should especially go out for picnics and travel in spring. The wise enjoy water, and the benevolent enjoy mountains.

You should make a plan for yourself to work and relax at the same time. Adjust your mentality. The work plan is also your hobby, so you should find a motivation for your life, even if it is a trivial matter.

Fourth, you should have an investment plan. Investors in the currency circle have this understanding. Among all the assets in the world, only Bitcoin and gold can always maintain and increase their value. In the investment plan, most assets should be converted into Bitcoin and stored in an offline hardware wallet.

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