These days more than love is a melody for those who in their hearing and in their life have the word ostentatious... It is not a virtue, nor is it a sin, only in their present and in their past can the living blood of that virile and subtle existence be given its presence in that real drowsiness... part of the dream that life offers, without measures its foundation, its strength and its royalty to whom life is full and overflowing, I see that excessive WEALTH making use of that life without fear or mercy... It is not HUMAN to exist in his existence without his possible presence to give himself moments full of benefits and beauties... That failure in wealth usually hurts beyond infamy, oblivion... indolence... and the senselessness of life that sometimes takes prey of many... I have seen it come and go without anyone being hurt... I got fed up with that in this wheel called... The wheel of life where we all drive or are carried by strange forces... I leave you with the condition of returning to the topic... Without fear... With conviction and alacrity... I am not ignorant, that is my strength... Only philosophizing the facts of life and existence. .. They called this school life... We will see how far it goes...