1. Prohibition

The old saying "investment is risky, enter the market with caution" has to be changed now, and should be changed to "cryptocurrency circle is risky, investors are prohibited from entering". The "investors" referred to here include two categories: one is pure "leeks"; the other is investors who participate indirectly through financial management methods such as purchasing funds. What if you have already entered? It's very straightforward, quickly book a flight ticket - run away. It's better to run away early than late, and it's better to run away late than not at all.

2. Prohibition

Those who really don't want to leave, are unwilling to leave, still have illusions about the cryptocurrency circle, and have the idea that "if you want to live a decent life, you must have some green on your head", it is recommended that you find something else to do after buying the coins. If you really have nothing to do, don't pay attention to the cryptocurrency circle, cover your eyes, so as not to itch.

3. Ban

Being silenced does not mean covering your mouth and not letting you speak. Whether you make money or lose money, don't go out and show it. We must have a sense of shame. Cryptocurrency trading is not a great thing to bring honor to the family. Besides, all your attention and every word you say may become data in the transaction database. It's okay to harm yourself, but don't hurt others!