Members of Biden's team will attend the Bitcoin roundtable to discuss blockchain development

Washington DC reported that US Congressman Ro Khanna will host a high-level Bitcoin and blockchain roundtable in Washington in early July. This meeting is known as the "peak dialogue between policymakers and blockchain innovation" and has attracted keen attention from both the political and business circles.

What is striking is that members of Biden's team will also be present. This will be a face-to-face exchange between regulators and blockchain elites to jointly explore how to promote the innovation and development of Bitcoin and blockchain technology in the United States. At the same time, the participation of officials from the House of Representatives and the Senate and well-known businessman Mark Cuban will undoubtedly add more highlights to this meeting.

Of course, we also want to remind everyone that although Bitcoin and blockchain technology have great potential, they are also accompanied by certain risks. Investors and market participants need to keep a rational mind, carefully assess risks, and strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations for compliance operations. Let us look forward to the wonderful results of this meeting together!

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