Launched with a mission to unite early adopters of Blockchain technology, the Wallcrypt Club aims to build a strong and motivated community to democratize and promote the benefits of Blockchain, becoming a landmark in the Web3-IA world globally.

See below an interesting interview with the CEO.

– What inspired you to create Wallcrypt Club, and what primary goals do you aim to achieve with this project?

I have always been passionate about human contact and public relations. In 1996, when the Internet was in its infancy and Minitel was still dominant, I launched the portal for continuing education, This site quickly became the largest training portal in France, bringing together 700 training organizations and 10,000 trainers. Today, is one of the oldest websites in the world, with 28 years of existence. I sold this business to the Studyrama group.

With Wallcrypt Club, I aim to gather the early adopters of a revolutionary technology like Blockchain. It is crucial to create a strong and motivated community to democratize and promote the advantages of Blockchain. My goal is to make Wallcrypt Club a leading Web3-IA business club in France, Europe, and eventually, worldwide.

 – Your book has been received positively within the blockchain community. Can you share some insights or key takeaways from your book that you believe are crucial for both beginners and seasoned professionals in the blockchain space?

My book is designed as a practical and accessible encyclopedia. Here are some key features that set it apart:

  • No advertising: The book is entirely free of advertisements, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted reading experience.

  • Independent articles: Each article, written by a different expert, can be read independently of the others. This allows readers to focus directly on a specific topic, such as “proof of work,” without needing to read the entire book.

  • Expert validation: All content has been meticulously validated by a review committee composed of a final-year student from HEC Paris and a certified public accountant specialized in the subject. This provides readers with the assurance of accurate and reliable information.

  • Reader benefits: This book quickly delivers essential knowledge needed to navigate and understand the Web3 ecosystem, whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional.

With these features, the book becomes an indispensable tool for anyone looking to master the fundamental and advanced concepts of blockchain.

 – Wallcrypt Club has introduced a game as part of its offerings. Can you elaborate on how the game works and what educational or experiential benefits it provides to players interested in blockchain technology?

The game consists of cards and tokens, eliminating the need for a computer or phone to play. This removes any technological apprehension and encourages face-to-face interactions, creating a convivial atmosphere. No prior knowledge of Web3 is required to participate.

The objective of the game is to score as many points as possible. Points are earned by collecting coins and business cards. The game aims to familiarize players with Web3 vocabulary and help them understand its fundamental concepts.

It can be played by 2 to 6 participants, aged 12 and up, providing an educational and entertaining experience that makes learning about blockchain technology fun and accessible.

The game is used in training centers, universities, businesses, as well as in family and friends’ circles. It serves as an excellent tool to raise awareness about blockchain technology while ensuring an enjoyable time for all.

 – How do you see Wallcrypt Club evolving in the next five years, and what new initiatives or projects can members expect to see in the near future?

Our goal is to build a large community of thousands of individuals and businesses eager to discover the benefits of Web3 and AI and connect with professionals in these fields. In one place, members will have access to all the necessary expertise to get answers and stay informed. This is a huge time-saver and a mark of trust.

It will also be easy to organize in-person business meetings in many countries and cities, allowing members to get to know each other and exchange ideas face-to-face.

Among the new initiatives, we will introduce membership cards using Web3 technology, strengthening member engagement and identity within the club.

AI will also play a significant role in the club. We will develop working groups focused on AI and organize seminars with experts at preferential rates.

The most important aspect is networking. The satisfaction comes from facilitating meetings between people who might never cross paths in their daily lives, allowing them to connect and appreciate the new relationships. For example, a 55-year-old math researcher could meet a 25-year-old artist, and together, they might develop joint projects.

These initiatives aim to create a dynamic and interdisciplinary network, offering members unique opportunities for collaboration and growth.

 – Building a community is crucial for any platform’s success. How does Wallcrypt Club foster community engagement and collaboration among its members, and what unique opportunities do members have to connect and grow within the blockchain ecosystem?

As of now, to become a member of the club, you can choose from FREEMIUM, PREMIUM, and CORPORATE offers. An ALL IN NFT provides lifetime membership with all the benefits of the PREMIUM offer.

Encouraging Community Engagement

We will introduce the concept of INCENTIVES within the club. The more active a member is, the more points they earn. Here are some examples:

– Referring new members

– Business recommendations

Points can be exchanged for rewards such as discounts on subscriptions, training sessions, and even cash.

Benefits and Opportunities

– Special rates: We will create a catalog of special rates for club members, offering, for example, special prices for entry to professional events.

– Exchange platform: Members can interact and collaborate through our platform

– Physical meetings: You can propose physical meetups. For instance, if you are traveling to a city, you can invite club members to meet for a drink. This allows you to connect with members who share similar interests in Web3 and AI.

Networking and Collaboration

Wallcrypt Club strives to encourage community engagement and collaboration among its members. We regularly organize events and seminars with experts, available at preferential rates. These events offer unique opportunities for networking and personal development within the blockchain ecosystem.

By creating an environment where members are incentivized to actively participate and collaborate, Wallcrypt Club ensures a positive and dynamic atmosphere conducive to innovation and growth.

 – Comment voyez-vous l’évolution du Wallcrypt Club dans les cinq prochaines annĂ©es, et quelles nouvelles initiatives ou quels nouveaux projets les membres peuvent-ils s’attendre Ă  voir dans un avenir proche ?

L’objectif est de dĂ©velopper une communautĂ© importante de plusieurs milliers de personnes et d’entreprises souhaitant dĂ©couvrir les avantages du Web3 et de l’IA, et ĂȘtre mis en relation avec des professionnels du secteur. 

En un seul lieu, les membres ont accĂšs Ă  toutes les compĂ©tences nĂ©cessaires pour obtenir des rĂ©ponses et s’informer. Cela reprĂ©sente un gain de temps Ă©norme et un gage de confiance.

Il sera Ă©galement facile d’organiser des rencontres d’affaires en prĂ©sentiel dans de nombreux pays et villes, permettant ainsi aux membres de faire connaissance et d’échanger en personne.

Parmi les nouvelles initiatives, nous allons introduire des cartes de membres utilisant la technologie Web3, renforçant ainsi l’engagement et l’identitĂ© des membres au sein du club.

L’IA jouera Ă©galement un rĂŽle important dans le club. Nous allons dĂ©velopper des groupes de travail dĂ©diĂ©s Ă  l’IA, et organiser des sĂ©minaires avec des experts Ă  des tarifs prĂ©fĂ©rentiels.

Le plus important reste la mise en relation. La satisfaction provient de permettre des rencontres improbables dans la vie quotidienne, favorisant des échanges enrichissants. Par exemple, un chercheur en mathématiques de 55 ans pourrait rencontrer un jeune artiste de 25 ans, et ensemble, ils pourraient envisager de développer des projets communs.

Ces initiatives visent à créer un réseau dynamique et interdisciplinaire, offrant aux membres des opportunités uniques de collaboration et de croissance.

 – La construction d’une communautĂ© est cruciale pour le succĂšs d’une plateforme. Comment Wallcrypt Club encourage-t-il l’engagement communautaire et la collaboration entre ses membres, et quelles sont les opportunitĂ©s uniques offertes aux membres pour se connecter et se dĂ©velopper au sein de l’écosystĂšme de la blockchain ?

À ce jour, pour devenir membre du club, vous pouvez choisir parmi les offres FREEMIUM, PREMIUM, et CORPORATE. Un NFT ALL IN permet d’obtenir une adhĂ©sion Ă  vie, avec tous les avantages de l’offre PREMIUM.

Encouragement à l’Engagement Communautaire

Nous allons introduire le concept d’INCENTIVE dans le club. Plus un membre est actif, plus il est rĂ©compensĂ© en gagnant des points. Voici quelques exemples :

– Parrainage de nouveaux membres

– Recommandation d’affaires

Les points peuvent ĂȘtre Ă©changĂ©s contre des rĂ©compenses telles que des rĂ©ductions sur les abonnements, des formations, voire du cash.

Avantages et Opportunités

– Tarifs privilĂ©giĂ©s : Nous allons crĂ©er un catalogue de tarifs privilĂ©giĂ©s pour les membres du club, offrant par exemple des tarifs spĂ©ciaux pour l’entrĂ©e Ă  des salons professionnels.

– Plateforme d’échange : Les membres peuvent Ă©changer et collaborer via notre plateforme

– Rencontres physiques : Vous pouvez proposer des rendez-vous physiques. Par exemple, si vous ĂȘtes en dĂ©placement dans une ville, vous pouvez inviter les membres du club Ă  se rencontrer autour d’un verre. Cela permet de faire connaissance avec des membres partageant les mĂȘmes centres d’intĂ©rĂȘt sur le Web3 et l’IA.

Networking et Collaboration

Wallcrypt Club met tout en Ɠuvre pour encourager l’engagement communautaire et la collaboration entre ses membres. Nous organisons rĂ©guliĂšrement des Ă©vĂ©nements et des sĂ©minaires avec des experts, accessibles Ă  des tarifs prĂ©fĂ©rentiels. Ces Ă©vĂ©nements offrent des opportunitĂ©s uniques de networking et de dĂ©veloppement personnel au sein de l’écosystĂšme blockchain.

En crĂ©ant un environnement oĂč les membres sont incitĂ©s Ă  participer activement et Ă  collaborer, Wallcrypt Club assure une dynamique positive et propice Ă  l’innovation et Ă  la croissance.