1. Children, do not indulge yourself at any time, any place, or any occasion. From ancient times to the present, all men want to marry a girl who respects herself, loves herself, and is clean and pure. A promiscuous girl is just a seasoning for men to adjust their lives. There is true love in this world, but the premise is to love yourself first.

2. Always remember that money is earned, not saved. When you want to save 10 yuan, please change your mind to how to earn back the 10 yuan. Maybe you can gain 100, 1,000, 10,000, 1 million, or even more.

3. Feelings are not for playing, and affection is not for showing off. True love is deep, not shallow, and true love is selfless, not greedy. Your lover is not your private property. You can miss him, but don't disturb him easily; you can love him, but don't restrict him tightly.

4. Your academic performance may not be good, but you must eat the food in your bowl cleanly, that is the most basic manners. Manners are not for showing off to others, but the foundation of a woman's life. Your mother and I have argued about this many times. I used to agree to let you release your nature, but after seeing a few uneducated children, I know I was wrong.

5. If there is a man in the future who says that he will treat you well for the rest of his life and only love you, tell him to get lost. If there really is such a man, he will only be your father.

6. There is nothing wrong with being beautiful. You can use your beauty to make others like you at first sight, but the only way to make others think you are beautiful for a long time is to be kind. Please help those you can help. We cannot fill the world with love, but we can make you surrounded by people who love you.

7. People must learn to constantly abandon things, abandon past failures, so that they can have the strength to start the road to success again; they must also abandon past successes, because success is like a peak. If you keep standing on a mountain, you will never climb to the top of another mountain that is higher and more beautiful than this mountain.

8. Investing money in your own mind is the smartest way to manage your finances. Only when you make yourself wealthy can you be truly rich.

9. Don't always think that you are young and it is too early to do anything. Time is the fairest, and everyone has 24 hours a day. Time is the easiest to get, but it is also the least cherished. Time cannot be made up, and wasted time is wasted. Don't always think that you are young and it is too early to do anything.

10. As long as I am alive, even if you become the richest man, you are still my unique daughter. Even if you work at McDonald's, you are still my unique daughter. So, when you are unhappy, unhappy, uncomfortable, etc., whether good or bad, please go back to your parents' home. There is a light that is always on for you, and a door that is always open for you. Don't forget the way home.