Recently, the Shiba Inu (SHIB) community has suffered an unprecedented wave of fraud attacks! Scammers and imitators operate unscrupulously on the Telegram platform, intending to defraud SHIB holders’ trust and assets. These malicious actors are creating fake accounts and impersonating official team members and trusted community figures to confuse people and conduct elaborate scams.

All Shiba Inu owners please be on high alert!

These scammers often create accounts that closely resemble official members, publish misleading information, trick users into visiting fake websites, ask for emergency funds, and even steal users' personal information. Their methods are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and both new and old investors may become their targets.

The "ShibArmy Scam Alerts" account has issued a serious warning about fake Telegram accounts, specifically naming the account impersonating Digarch SHIB, a well-known Shiba Inu community member. These imposters not only disrupt community order, but also pose a huge threat to the property security of all SHIB holders!

How to protect yourself?

1. Rely on official channels

The Shiba Inu team strongly recommends that all owners obtain information and updates only through official channels. Anyone claiming to be an official representative and requesting to sync a wallet or provide personal information via private message is suspicious.

2. Verify identity carefully

When communicating with others online, be sure to verify their true identity. Even names and account numbers that look familiar could be a scammer's trick.

3. Proactively report suspicious activity

Community members should proactively report any suspicious activity and share their own experiences to help others avoid falling into traps. Timely reporting will help take swift action against scammers and keep the community safe.

4. Stay alert

Always be vigilant, especially in matters involving personal property and information. Do not believe any unverified information or claims.

the power of a community

It is only through the efforts of each of us that the Shiba Inu community can be protected from these scammers. Let us unite, stay vigilant, and jointly resist these malicious acts!

Urgent warning! Shiba Inu (SHIB) holders must be vigilant and protect their assets and personal information!


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