When a new coin is launched, the dealer should airdrop and mine the coins, wait for retail investors to sell them, get the chips at the lowest price and then slowly increase the price.

More commentary on the square was that there were too many people shorting the contract and that Binance's backend took action, pulling up brutally, exploding sell orders and then exploding buy orders.

Now we come to division number 5. I don't know if it is upper or lower.

Personally, I personally think that

Now it's still a bet. The violence of a coin demands a banker.

If the villagers don't earn money, they won't give you a ladder to carry you up to eat meat.

What Zhuang has to do now is wait, grind and wear out your patience.

Take out the chips you used to buy through the background violence two days ago.

Sell ​​high buy low, the second market can break out

The market is unpredictable and can only be analyzed

Personally, I personally think

5 This fulcrum is the banker, which is annoying.

If it pulls up, it will at least reach the 3.8 to 3.5 swing point, or possibly lower. Then a second market trend will appear and it may break out.

Of course, the direction is unpredictable, it is possible that fulcrum number 5 will directly break through.$IOTX $IO