‘We have recently conducted an investigation into the recent price movements of Highstreet. Our findings have confirmed that these movements were the result of a malicious attack on our community. Specifically, it has been identified that an entity has withdrawn 20 million tokens, with 9 million originating directly from a Korean exchange. Our team and investors have defended aggressive, digesting the initial 8 mil of the 20 mil tokens being dumped. But as these guys purchased tokens from Bithumb initially and washed it through BSC bridge we had no visibility who we were fighting against until now.

We urge all traders to exercise caution and remain vigilant. Please monitor the activity on the following wallet addresses closely:



Highstreet has no intention of harming its own project, especially in light of our recognition as one of the top 50 best partnerships and the upcoming staking launch with Gudchain. Your awareness and caution are crucial in maintaining the integrity and security of your trades.’