$FET Yesterday, a historic event took place in Silicon Valley (The headquarters of global technology, located in the southern San Francisco Bay Area, USA). This was the first concert where a robot created by startup TechFusion Dynamics performed.

Crowds of spectators filled the stadium to watch this innovative performance. The robot, equipped with the most advanced technology, impressed the audience with its artistic and vocal abilities.

“We did not expect such a performance. He (the robot) sings, dances and even raps" - an enthusiastic audience shared.

The concert began with a traditional greeting that the robot said in English. Next are songs prepared taking into account the musical preferences of different generations. The program includes both classic rock songs and modern pop covers.

It's all powered by AI. After a number of professions such as host, lawyer, consultant, teller, waiter, service... now AI is preparing to come to the entertainment field. Prepare yourself mentally!

#fet #OCEAN #AGIX merge back to Artificial Super Intelligence #ASI . Trend AI is only in its early stages. You know what to do.