According to the official data provided by the founder, Xiao Xiong interprets it as follows

🔹Empty Investment Qualification

Number of interactions: 6 and above, less than this will not be eligible

Airdrop Core: Gas Consumption Amount of Official Bridge

Abolish the rules: Monthly and weekly active users are likely to be abolished


🔹Token Distribution

$ZRO Total Token Supply: 1 billion

Airdrop share: 23.8%

Initial circulation: 8.5%

First day distribution: 5% official cross-bridge users, 3% ecosystem users, 0.5% community pool

Note: 85 million tokens were circulated on the first day of listing, and the remaining 153 million tokens will be unlocked after 12 months.


🔹Qualified wallet

Total number of qualified applicants: 823,000

(The qualified rate before the witch hunt was 27.44%, and after hunting 1 million witches, the qualified rate was 41.16%)

After aggregating the Aptos wallet data, the total number of L0 wallets is 6 million, excluding wallets with less than 6 Txs, and ranked by cross-chain Gas consumption and wear amount

The official website provides 4 distribution models. I take the average, which is also the model I think is most likely to interpret (25 min, model 2)

🔹Token Distribution

25-100, eligible for 694,774 wallets

100 - 1000, compatible with 122,448 wallets

1000 - 10000, 5,997 wallets available

More than 10,000, compatible with 157 wallets


🔹Airdrop income

Calculated based on the latest OTC price 6 U

Minimum living allowance: 150 - 600 USD (tokens 25-100)

Medium: 600 - 3000 USD (tokens 100 - 1000)

Premium: 6,000 - 60,000 USD (tokens 1,000 - 10,000)

Premium: USD 60,000+ (tokens over USD 10,000)

OTC Price Inquiry


🔹My opinion

🦖Airdrop rule innovation

After ZK and ZRO, the monthly and weekly active users widely circulated in the field of money-making will most likely be thrown into the dustbin of history. This is inevitable, because monthly active users were the airdrop rules of ARB, the second-layer network of Ethereum ETH, one year ago.

🦖 Future interactive thinking

Everyone’s guesses: monthly activity, Tx times, cross-chain target source chain number, cross-chain amount, all are invalidated

This time, Layerzero uses Gas consumption as the core standard for airdrops

We need to abandon the mentality of looking for a sword in a boat and think about what data the project party wants. Are they coming to the blockchain for fame or for money?

Name: TVL, total amount on the chain, number of active users, etc.

Money: Received agreement fee


Remember point 1: The name is only for getting more financing and for better cashing out after listing on the exchange.

It is rare to find a company like Layerzero that does it all in one go and just asks for money without installing it.

Remember point 2: insider trading is the cornerstone of the industry’s existence. Retail investors should not complain about insider trading. Everyone who comes here to play must abide by the rules of the game. Otherwise, don’t come to play because you are too naive!

Remember point 3: If you lose, you should accept the loss. After receiving the airdrop, immediately do the next one! What you need is to sum up your experience, not live in regret!


🦖Airdrop threats and complaints

I have been living in fear since May. First I confessed and turned myself in, then the first wave of official crackdowns, then the community reports, and then the official crackdowns didn’t count. Combined with the witch reports, the new version of the crackdown continued.

I live in white terror every day, with fancy and novel witch reports. If you had said earlier that you would only kill large clusters, I wouldn't have paid any attention to this farce with 20 accounts.


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