This week, after experiencing a sharp drop in the Federal Reserve's news and a sharp drop in the U.S. initial jobless claims, the bitcoin price is still strong around 67,000, and appears to be very strong overall.

So in fact, the important support level of 66,000 below Bitcoin has been welded, and it may be almost here at present, or it may be slightly inserted at the appropriate time. This is also normal. It is a bull market, so the main theme of this year is to buy on the pullback. At present, it is a typical bull market stage of rising for a period of time and sideways for a period of time. In the short term, I still plan to buy at low levels

Specific short-term plans:

If it falls back to around 66000 in the early morning, you can go long.

Pay attention to the pressure of 67800-68500 on the top.

Ethereum 3400-3420 strong support, touch synchronous long,

Pay attention to the pressure of 3550-3600!

Of course, it’s almost the weekend, so we may not be able to provide a position. If we are not in a hurry to provide one, we will follow up. If we are not able to provide one, we will just wait! #比特币行情 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #以太坊行情走势分析