🎉Good news is coming! Web3 social media Farcaster has just announced a blockbuster news: they raised $150 million in financing last month, led by Paradigm. This round of financing makes Farcaster's valuation reach a staggering $1 billion, becoming the largest investment in Web3 social media to date. 💰

Why is the valuation so high? The answer may lie in the participation of cryptocurrency venture capital firms. Crypto investor Liron Shapira pointed out that if venture capital firms still have LP capital to invest, they would rather invest $150 million than return it. This means that they can charge themselves an additional $20-30 million in management fees. đŸ€‘

On the other hand, a source who requested anonymity revealed that Farcaster is expected to launch its own token, and investors will be eager to capture its fully diluted value. This undoubtedly adds more optimism to the future of Bitcoin. 🚀

In general, Farcaster's successful financing and upcoming token launch have undoubtedly brought new vitality and hope to the blockchain industry. Let us look forward to more good news together! 🎉