The reasons why older single men are still single.

Some people say that the reasons why older single men are still single are simple, poor, ugly, stingy, straight...balabala. However, these are superficial phenomena. There is actually only one real reason, that is, the energy possessed by older single men is not enough to jump out of the environment they are in. To expand on it, it is either insufficient energy or too bad mate selection environment.

There is a saying that oranges grown in the south of the Huai River are oranges, and oranges grown in the north of the Huai River are bitter oranges. There is also a saying that garbage is a resource placed in the wrong place. Almost all older single men have the problem of not being able to jump out of the environment.

For example, you say you are poor? Well, you can't afford a house in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, can you afford it in Hegang? You say you are ugly, can't you find a blind person? You say you can't speak, you can find a deaf person. The meaning of saying this is to let you find a woman who is not sensitive to your shortcomings.

There is actually only one reason why you can't find a wife, that is, the total sample size is not large enough, and the information acquisition channels are too small. Why do we say that to find a partner, you either need to flirt with someone or go on blind dates? In essence, they are both about expanding your information channels. In fact, as long as you have a wide enough channel and a relatively open mind in choosing a partner, 99.5% of boys can find a partner.