#热门趋势 #热点话题

Short-term high probability formula.

In fact, if you can digest the content I talked about today, I believe it will definitely be a sharp sword for future short-term trading. Use the opening price as a basis for measurement to judge the direction of the next market.

First, remember that if the market falls first and then rises, but the rebound does not break through the previous opening price, it is defined as a weak market, which is bearish.

Second, if the market rises first and then falls, but falls below the opening price, the market outlook is still bearish.

Third, if it rises first and then falls, but does not fall below the opening price, it is considered to be a wash, and you will choose to buy on dips in the future. Such opportunities.

Combined with the above three points, you also need to remember two formulas:

The first is a sharp drop and slow rise, and the market outlook is still bullish.

The second is a sharp rise and slow fall, and the market outlook is still bearish.

If you like spot trading, want to roll funds together, and stock up on bull market spot trading

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In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities! ! !
