According to Techub News, the Apecoin Governance Forum proposed the "Banana" proposal, which requested 100 million ApeCoin funds to create the "Banana Plan" to support the long-term sustainability and growth of ApeChain. The plan includes two initiatives: the Business Agreement Plan (73 million APE) and the User Incentive Plan (23 million APE). The Business Agreement Plan is committed to negotiating business agreements with projects, companies, and agreements built on ApeChain, and the terms of the business agreements will provide value to ApeCoin DAO.


The User Incentive Program will provide a reward pool for ApeChain users. The program will focus on growing the ApeChain ecosystem by educating and encouraging users to try different DApps, with the goal of allocating a larger proportion of rewards to DApps that contribute the most to the sustainable growth of ApeChain. The proposal will close for voting on June 21.