Proof-of-Entropy-Minima Consensus Mechanism

- Proof-of-Entropy-Minima (PoEM) is a consensus mechanism used in Quai Network.

- PoEM is inspired by Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work Nakamoto Consensus.

- Unlike PoW, PoEM measures the intrinsic block weight to calculate entropy and ensure agreement among nodes.

Benefits of PoEM

- Instantaneous Fork Resolution: All nodes always make the same decision on the next block.

- Faster Finality: PoEM offers faster on-chain inclusion guarantee than other consensus mechanisms.

- Coordinating Infinite Execution Shards: PoEM can coordinate an infinite number of execution shards.

Perpetual Consensus and Unique Properties of PoEM

- Continuous Agreement: PoEM allows all nodes to always remain in consensus.

- Unique Properties: PoEM has instantaneous fork resolution, faster finality, and facilitates infinite execution shards.