Today, $11.6 million was stolen from the market maker account, and it was Ouyi’s fault again ❓❓

- The last article about the recent events of#okx🧵

After Ouyi was exposed a few days ago that there might be something fishy going on inside, and it collaborated with hackers to steal large amounts of user funds

Today, Singapore market maker QuantMatter revealed that his Ouyi account was stolen for $11.6 million

At present, it is a bit difficult to tell the truth of this matter

Xu Mingxing said that he could detect that the withdrawal was from the front end of the web page, and the GA and verification code were entered, not a technical problem

The market maker said that he had never received this information, and he did not take the initiative to withdraw money

There are only two possibilities for this matter

First, the market maker is lying, or there is something fishy inside the company

Second, there is something fishy inside Ouyi, and Ouyi privately saved the user’s 2fa key

The first possibility is actually not uncommon in reality. Employees or partners use their identity advantages to fish for the company’s fund account information by various means, and there is a problem with their own internal anti-theft

I see that the theft occurred on May 30th, which has nothing in common with the security incidents of the previous two days. It just happened to coincide with the security incidents of the previous two days, so the suspicion turned to the exchange security issue.

The second possibility is even more terrifying, because 2FA is still unbreakable at the technical level. If offline 2FA can be cracked, there is only one possibility, that is, the 2FA keys of all users are privately saved inside the Euro-Yit Exchange, and this ghost can access this information. Thinking more deeply, if this is the case, is our Euro-Yit wallet safe, and is our private key really not saved in some way?

From my personal perspective, I don't want the second possibility to come true

Because of the safety of OUYI during this period, some big investors have withdrawn their coins and left OUYI

It seems that a storm similar to the FTX crash is brewing

This time I will try to be objective. I don't want such an incident to happen because of the trust crisis, the glaciers melt, the earth overturns, and there is no peace and tranquility

Maybe there are some cases, but there may also be sociological attacks, bypassing from a non-technical level. Sometimes the hole for losing money is opened, and more and more people will use the same reason to ask for money

There is also the next one