Three taboos of cryptocurrency trading, have you been fooled?

1. Blindly chasing the rise: Greed for high positions, like a moth to a flame

When you see the price of the currency soaring like a rocket, do you also want to get a piece of the pie like you smell the aroma of delicious food?

However, such blind chasing often puts you in an embarrassing situation - taking over at a high position and suffering heavy losses. It's like breaking into a high-end party in slippers, which not only looks out of place, but also may be embarrassing due to insufficient preparation.

2. Panic selling: panicking as soon as it falls, missing the opportunity to rebound

When the price of the currency falls slightly, do you panic and sell your assets like seeing a ghost? Even if the market is about to turn around, you may miss the opportunity because of excessive panic.

This operation is like encountering an oasis in the desert, but missing the source of life because of fear of the unknown ahead.

3. Emotional trading: kidnapped by emotions and falling into an endless abyss

During the investment process, have you ever been angry and embarrassed because of a temporary loss, and persisted until the last moment? Or blindly cover your position due to a short-term decline, and end up getting deeper and deeper into trouble?

This kind of emotional trading is like losing your mind in love, crying, making a fuss, and hanging yourself, which will eventually put you in a deeper predicament.

Have you ever been fooled by these bad habits of speculating in cryptocurrencies?

In fact, every investor will make mistakes in the process of growing up. The key is to learn from them, keep a cool head, and formulate a reasonable investment strategy.

Only in this way can you make steady progress in the cryptocurrency circle and eventually achieve success.

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