The truths I have learned after working in the cryptocurrency circle for so many years

1. Stop loss in time

- It is indeed the right approach not to change positions easily, but if some currencies continue to fall, it is like meeting a "scumbag". You should stop loss in time to avoid further losses.

2. Seize the opportunity of the bull market and buy low cautiously

- The current bull market is a good time to increase your position every time it falls. But you should buy low instead of chasing the rise, and adopt a strategy of buying low in batches, such as 1234 pyramid buying low.

3. Control risks and operate moderately

- You should not operate with a full position, and you should keep it below half position most of the time.

4. Diversify investments and control single positions

- The proportion of holdings of a single currency should not exceed one-third of the total position, and the number of currencies held should not exceed three.

5. Profit appropriately and keep some

- In a big rise, you can sell 50% first, then sell 30%, and leave 20% to hold until the bear market.

6. Stay positive and optimistic, be cautious

- Stay optimistic, having coins in your hands is as reassuring as having no mileage anxiety in your car and having money in your wallet. But at the same time, you must also be vigilant and not easily buy coins recommended by institutions or KOLs. Only buy high-quality coins that you recognize and leaders in various tracks🐲